Portfolio monitoring & reporting

Effective private equity portfolio management


Zapflow's portfolio management software


For investing teams

Our intuitive tools empower investing teams to gain oversight to their portfolio companies. You can request, amend and share insight among team members, LPs, other investors, and holding companies. Granular permission management ensures that everyone sees only the information they need and have permission to. 


VC portfolio management software

Zapflow's portfolio management software makes it easy to collect, store and monitor your portfolio performance. It helps you drive value creation and stay on top of your game. You can automate crucial steps, gather and analyze data, improve processing, distribute information, and effectively manage risks.



Portfolio tracker

Effortlessly track the performance of your portfolio companies and other assets. Grant portfolio companies access to edit and submit their reports. Get notifications upon receiving submissions and send alerts as deadlines approach. Once verified, approve and lock data for later use. 


The most secure platform

Security sets Zapflow apart from other venture capital portfolio management software providers. For example, Zapflow logs all changes with a timestamp and modifier identification. We implement the highest information security standards, ensuring your data is in your hands only. 


single source of truth - Streamlined venture capital portfolio management

comprehensive view to your portfolio holdings_2x

Comprehensive portfolio monitoring & data collection

  • Tailor your portfolio monitoring to meet the unique needs using Zapflow's customizable reporting templates.
  • Access all your portfolio data from one single platform. You can even integrate data from various sources to gain a more holistic view.
  • Check past information and data from previous years to map against your portfolio allocation strategies and value creation activities.
  • Gain insight into your investment performance by visualizing portfolio metrics and analyzing trends effectively.

customize investment reports templates

Customized portfolio reporting & templates

  • Create multiple customized portfolio reports tailored to your needs. Design email templates, set reporting frequency, choose specific quantitative metrics as well as qualitative questions.
  • Collect quality data from your target assets in the right format and avoid manual data clean-up.
  • You can quickly import and export data from excel spreadsheets directly to and from Zapflow.
  • Securely distribute reports in a visual and easily digestible format.

Advanced portfolio management

Combine tools to streamline investments

Say goodbye to unproductive work routines. Zapflow provides efficient portfolio management system tailored to your specific needs. Easily integrate features like deal flow management and fundraising tools to gain a competitive edge.


  • Optimize your deal flow management with efficient due diligence process.
  • Simplify raising your next fund.
  • Gain a comprehensive view to support your investment strategy.
  • Boost your portfolio companies' growth to achieve targeted returns.
  • Build investment system based on your business needs.
  • Start by talking to one of our experts! 
Never miss another reporting dealine

Never miss another reporting dealine

  • Zapflow's portfolio monitoring automates and simplifies numerous tasks, reducing stress as reporting deadlines approach.
  • Get real-time updates on who has reported what and when across all your team members and reporting parties.
  • Easily send reminders and step in only when necessary.
  • Support your colleagues when needed.
  • Ensure that downstream reporting is never delayed by you or your team.
multi asset portfolio management

Portfolio management for multi-asset funds

  • Zapflow is made for all alternative investing - not just VC/PE. Our solution helps firms manage investment portfolios across many strategies, including real estate and funds-of-funds.
  • Zapflow improves portfolio management for GPs, simplifying complex processes. With our platform, you can manage communication, drive portfolio growth, and boost returns all in one place.
  • Obtain a clear perspective of your investments and operations to effectively manage risks and recognize opportunities. Understand when to double down and when to cut bait.


Best venture capital portfolio management software?

Finding the "best" VC portfolio management software depends on your specific needs, but top contenders, like Zapflow, offer a comprehensive toolbox to streamline your entire investment process. This includes tools for:

  • deal flow management
  • fundraising
  • portfolio performance insight
  • LP engagement
  • automated workflows
  • centralized data management
  • data-driven decisions
What benefits does private equity portfolio monitoring bring?
Private equity portfolio monitoring empowers GPs to make informed decisions and optimize investment performance. It offers real-time insights, improved risk management, and streamlined reporting (like automated LP reports). Leading solutions like Zapflow combine these features, eliminating the need for juggling with multiple software and saving you valuable time. 
Why choose Zapflow for portfolio monitoring?

Zapflow grows with you. It offers flexible portfolio monitoring capabilities that streamline data collection and reporting, ensuring you have accurate and up-to-date information for informed decision-making without pulling all-nighters for reporting’s sake.

As your portfolio expands, your team grows, you raise new funds, or you consolidate tools and processes, Zapflow enables you to replace many tools or integrate with them. This eliminates errors, saves you time and money, and supports your growth every step of the way.

Does Zapflow integrate with other tools?
Yes. Zapflow integrates well with other tools, platforms and databases via modern and secure interface (API)
What are the benefits of using Zapflow for portfolio management?

Zapflow enhances portfolio management by providing a flexible tool which allows you to collect harmonious performance monitoring data without all the hassle with spreadsheet, emails and corrupt data. It works well with your private equity portfolio, real estate portfolio and more.

The portfolio management tool is a core module of the Zapflow platform so all your team members can leverage the data on one platform. Of course, if you prefer to keep some workflows where they currently are, you can build powerful integrations, too.

How long does implementation take?
The implementation timeline for Zapflow varies depending on the complexity of your requirements, but our team works closely with you to ensure a smooth and efficient setup. Typically, the implementation takes from days (clean start) to weeks (old reports moved to the platform). You will always know the timeline before committing to any implementation.

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