For alternative investment fundraising

The modern toolset for venture capital fund managers


Raising capital with zapflow


Private equity fundraising platform

Access your deals, holdings, capital raising activities, and reports all within a single platform. Link funds to opportunities and gain full picture of all investments, including active pursuits, lost deals, commitments, and holdings. Utilize our robust filtering capabilities to swiftly find relevant opportunities.


Transparent communication

Encourage effortless teamwork between in-house and external users throughout the fund raising process. Effectively handle different team access permissions, ensuring organized communication and effortless task tracking. Our activity history timeline tracks everything your team does on each fundraising opportunity.

Designed for VC & PE

Flexible fund administration

Zapflow presents GPs a platform that adapts to your unique fundraising processes and data requirements. Customize, rename, and restructure stages to perfectly mirror your workflow. Easily gather information  through custom web forms and seamlessly share it in our dedicated LP Portal.

Secure funding

Confidental data sharing

Confidently share documents and data within Zapflow's secure database. Grant granular access levels to your team members and hide sensitive information when necessary. Empower your LPs with dedicated extranet featuring clear graphics, data summaries and real-time updates on fundraising progress.

bespoke fundraising software - work smarter,

not harder

effortless fund formation

Effortless fund formation

  • Integrate fund formation with your venture capital funding process for a seamless experience. Move effortlessly from one stage to the next, maximizing efficiency.
  • Monitor all opportunities in your pipeline, including both active deals and those lost or on hold.
  • Capture lost reasons and comments to identify areas for improvement and optimize your fundraising activities.
  • Upon winning an opportunity, Zapflow automatically generates a new commitment profile, saving you time and ensuring smooth transition to managing invested capital.
Setup for multi asset fund managers

Setup for multi-asset fund managers

  • Streamline all your fundraising activities across all  closings - from one single platform. Gain a competitive edge with unmatched efficiency.
  • Manage the information needed for capital calls and distribution notices
  • Facilitate effortless communication and information sharing throughout the entire PE fund lifecycle.
  • Gain clear visibility into your fundraising performance across multiple funds. Our intuitive dashboard transforms complex data into easily digestible visuals, aiding strategic decision-making.

Supercharge your fund raising strategy

The power of combined modules

Unlock the full potential of your capital raising efforts by combining Zapflow's powerful modules. Seamlessly integrate solutions like dedicated LP Portal, fundraising CRM, and automated KYC/AML monitoring, to achieve competitive edge.


  • Raise capital faster
  • Empower your investment team
  • Actively foster relationships
  • Gain real-time insight
  • Build your ideal investment system
  • Learn more by talking to our expert!
Transform fund reports into strategic tools_2x

Transform fund reports into strategic tools

  • Grant secure access to fund reports through our cloud-based LP Portal, accessible from anywhere.
  • Generate fund reports whenever needed and personalize them with your own branding.
  • Create guided surveys for your portfolio companies and LPs, ensuring accurate and complete information.
  • Graft a customized ESG survey to collect relevant data to your ESG, impact and sustainable investment funds. This empowers informed decision-making based on your specific goals.
for private equity fundraisers

For private equity fundraisers

  • For the fund of funds. Zapflow allows investors to diversify their investments across a range of different funds in flexible manner. Gain clear insight to minimize risks and potentially increasing returns.
  • For family funds. Our platform offers a systematic approach to meet the specific financial goals and needs of the family and HNW individuals.
  • For corporate fundraising. Zapflow refines your investment strategy and enables strategic growth.
  • For real estate funds. Zapflow assists investors in real estate by analyzing potential investments, tracking performance, and making informed decisions to maximize returns.


What are private equity funds?
Private equity funds are investment funds managed by general partners (GP) and funded by institutions and wealthy individuals. These funds are used to purchase and oversee companies with the goal of helping them achieve their maximum potential. The ultimate aim is to sell these companies at a profit in the future.
Best fundraising software for venture capital investment fund?

In the competitive world of venture capital (VC), identifying the best fundraising software goes beyond basic features. While general fundraising platforms exist, venture capital specific solutions like Zapflow offer much tailored approach. Here's what makes Zapflow to stand out:

  • Streamlined Deal Sourcing & Management: Finding the right investment opportunities is crucial. VC software helps you find deals and organize your pipeline with customizable stages and workflows that fit your needs.
  • Enhanced Communication & Collaboration: Effective communication is key to attracting and engaging investors. These platforms facilitate seamless interaction with your network, fostering strong relationships throughout the fundraising process.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Make informed decisions based on real-time data. Venture capital software helps you create reports, analyze fundraising, and track investment performance in one platform.
  • Financial Integration: Streamline your workflow by integrating your fundraising software with your existing financial systems. This enables a more efficient data flow and facilitates insightful financial analysis.
What is seed funding?
Seed funding provides early-stage startups the capital to launch and operate. This usually means product or service development or moving from concept to actual product. Investors often consider seed stage funding riskier than venture capital funding.
Can I import my current data into Zapflow?

Yes, when you become a customer you're assigned to a dedicated customer success manager that will help you configuring your Zapflow environment according to your specific needs as well as importing your existing data properly. 


Can I store documents in Zapflow?
Yes, our attachments feature allows you store any document type. Attachments can be saved inside an entity's profile, in a note or email. There are multiple ways and places where you can safely store your documents in an organized way.

Is your current fundraising process stuck

in the Middle Ages?